A 25-year-old man is in custody following the knife attack in the Stuttgart fan zone during the European Championship match between the Czech Republic and Turkey. Three people were injured on Wednesday evening.

According to the public prosecutor’s office on Thursday, the Syrian suspect is accused of attempted murder. The three injured are a 19-year-old German and two Turkish nationals aged 38 and 60. The 38-year-old man, who was initially critically injured, is now out of danger.

The police set up an investigation team. According to the police, the suspect is a Syrian national.

It is still unclear how the knife got into the fan zone. “We are appalled by this act, which overshadows our peaceful football festival,” Clemens Maier, Mayor for Order, Security and Sport, was quoted as saying in a statement on Thursday.

The investigators secured extensive evidence at the crime scene that night. The existing video recordings are also currently being evaluated. The more detailed background and circumstances of the crime are the subject of further investigations. Tips have already been received via the tips portal set up shortly after the incident, and these must now be evaluated.

The motive remained unclear at first. According to the statement, Stuttgart’s mayor Frank Nopper (CDU) demanded: “We must fully clarify the course of events and the background as quickly as possible and then draw the necessary conclusions with great determination.” What these consequences might be remained unclear.

The managing director of the “in.Stuttgart” event company, Andreas Kroll, said that they condemn this act of violence and the attack on people, which casts a shadow on what had been a peaceful and atmospheric football festival. “Basically, we will stick to our security concept, which has been agreed with all authorities.”

The checks at the entrance to the fan zone were carried out very intensively. Prohibited items were also found and taken from people. The police were informed in all of these cases.

Kroll continued: “After intensive discussions with the security authorities, we will continue the Euro 2024 Fan Festival with its program on the match-free days today.” This applies to all fan areas – including the concerts on the Schlossplatz on Thursday evening with Madeline Juno, Philipp Dittberner and Joris.

The police noticed the crime in the crowd. There was a commotion. The officers’ quick intervention prevented a mass panic. The 25-year-old suspect was later arrested. Stuttgart’s Schlossplatz was cordoned off after the crime. That night, the police gave the all-clear on the “X” platform: there was no longer any danger. The police had also set up a tip-off portal where witnesses can upload their pictures and videos.