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A woman takes to social media to share what it’s like to live on a cruise ship for nine months.

Living on a cruise ship for 274 days and exploring more than 60 different countries – an absolute dream for some, hard to imagine for others. The fact is: Angie Linderman fulfilled her wish with the “Ultimate World Cruise” from the cruise company “Royal Caribbean” – and so far she doesn’t seem to regret her decision in any way.

But how do you manage to literally live out of your suitcase for nine months? The American shows how she succeeds on TikTok. The key, at least it seems in their videos, is good organization.

In a video from December 2023, the woman shows how she organizes her life in the small ship’s cabin – and which products she cannot do without.

You can see the passenger’s TikTok video here:

She first films her cabin door with the camera and then pans into the room. What you immediately notice is that the American is well organized and has found a way to stow away her many things using practical storage nets.

“Here on the bathroom door, I have extra bath and toiletries and miscellaneous items like bandages, masks, insect repellent, lotions and sunscreen,” she explains. These items are very important to her.

This is followed by a look into her wardrobe, where her clothes are sorted using hangers and various boxes. Angie also sorted her shoes neatly into appropriate boxes. In addition to clothing, her closet also contains various hats, towels, a hot water bottle, diving fins and snorkels.

The fact that Angie doesn’t have to make any compromises in her life on the cruise ship becomes clear when she opens the cupboard doors: “There are a few Christmas things in here, electronics, snacks and these chocolate boxes, they are Christmas presents.”

The American has placed additional boxes above her sofa in which she stores important travel documents such as passports and visas. She also keeps her diary, Sudoku books and pens there, as well as a small photo printer.

On December 10, 2023, Royal Caribbean departed from the port of Miami in Florida. The route first leads to Central and South America, then via Hawaii to Australia and New Zealand.

The cruise ship then sails on to Indonesia, China, Japan and India. Finally, the Royal Caribbean docks in Saudi Arabia, where destinations such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai are visited.

This is followed by the route across the Mediterranean with stops in the European cities of Athens, Istanbul, Venice, Dubrovnik, Rome and Barcelona. Then we head back to America via Northern Europe (Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Greenland). The cruise ends in Miami on September 10, 2024.

By Eva Gneisinger (eg)

The original for this article “Nine months on a cruise: Angie reveals what she can’t do without” comes from