
Gullane Entertainment, a leading Brazilian production company, is set to release a new documentary and animation series centered around the legendary Formula One racing driver Ayrton Senna. The documentary, titled “Senna Kart – Pure Competition,” will focus on Senna’s early career in kart racing and is being produced by Gullane and Canal Azul. The animation series, “Senninha na pista maluca,” will be the third season of a kids’ show featuring a young Senna and is a collaboration between Gullane and Gloob.

In addition to these projects, Gullane is also working on a new bio-drama TV series called “Senna,” which will be available on Netflix. The series, with Vicente Amorim as showrunner and directors Amorim and Julia Rezende, is expected to be the highest-budgeted Brazilian series ever. The Gullane brothers expressed their excitement about the opportunity to keep Senna’s legacy alive through film and television.

At the Rio2C event in Rio de Janeiro, the Gullane brothers discussed the challenges of filming “Senna” in multiple countries, highlighting the global appeal of the project. They also revealed details about other upcoming productions, including the animated film “Noah’s Ark” and the fifth season of the popular series “Sintonia,” created by KondZilla.

Furthermore, Gullane will be working on the second season of the TV series “Colonia,” based on Daniela Arbex’s book “Holocausto Brasileiro.” The company is also developing music documentary series about the rock group Titas and singer Daniela Mercury. With a focus on bringing diverse and engaging content to audiences, Gullane continues to be a powerhouse in the Brazilian entertainment industry.