
Jeanne Winograd, a 72-year-old Democrat from Phoenix, has been a loyal supporter of President Biden. She even sent him a Valentine’s Day card earlier this year, expressing her belief that his vigor would shape the presidential election. However, after experiencing panic attacks following his poor debate performance, she had a change of heart. She now believes it is time for Biden to step aside.

She is not alone in her sentiments. Across four swing states, including Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, many former Biden supporters are expressing fear, frustration, and anger. They no longer have faith in Biden’s ability to defeat former President Donald J. Trump. In fact, more than half of the voters interviewed in these states now believe that Biden should drop out of the race.

The Democratic Party is in turmoil as these voters grapple with the idea of finding a Plan B. Some suggest Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential replacement, while others look to Democratic governors or even high-profile figures like Michelle Obama. The uncertainty and division among Democratic voters have left many wondering about the best path forward.

As the party struggles to address these concerns, it is clear that a significant portion of Biden supporters are now reconsidering their allegiance. The upcoming election is crucial, and these voters want to ensure that the Democratic candidate has the best chance of winning. The debate over whether Biden should stay in the race or make way for a new contender continues to divide the party.

In light of these developments, it is evident that the Democratic Party is facing a critical moment. The voices of these disillusioned voters highlight the need for a strong and viable candidate to lead the party in the upcoming election. The coming weeks will be crucial as the party navigates this challenging situation and works towards finding a solution that unites its supporters.