
Marriage Secrets Revealed by Tony Hale & Martel Thompson

Tony Hale and his wife Martel Thompson recently shared a relationship rule they have broken numerous times in their 20 years of marriage. The Emmy winners disclosed that they do not always abide by the common advice of ‘not going to bed angry.’

Instead, the couple emphasized the importance of taking space to reflect on the situation before coming back together to address the conflict. According to Tony, this approach allows them to think more clearly and have a meaningful discussion once they have calmed down.

Therapy has played a significant role in strengthening their bond, with Tony expressing their love for therapy and the community support they have around them. He highlighted the respect they have for each other’s opinions as a vital component of their relationship.

With over two decades of marriage under their belt, the couple credits having a ‘third party’ to help navigate their differences, ensuring that they are always on the same page. Their daughter, Loy Ann, is now college-bound after recently graduating from high school, marking a new chapter for the Hale-Thompson family.