
Rep. Barry Loudermilk, a top Republican investigating the events of January 6, has pointed fingers at military officials for the delay in sending the National Guard to the Capitol on that day. He believes that these officials defied former President Trump’s orders and purposely delayed the National Guard’s arrival, potentially costing lives in the process.

Loudermilk, who chairs the House Administration Committee’s subcommittee on oversight, conducted a thorough investigation into the events of January 6. He claims that senior leadership within the D.C. National Guard, along with officials in the Pentagon, were responsible for the delay. He cited reasons such as incompetence, poor communication, or concerns about optics as possible motives for the delay.

According to Loudermilk, if the National Guard had arrived promptly when requested, lives could have been saved, as their presence alone could have suppressed much of the violence happening at the Capitol. Speaker Pelosi’s office agreed with Loudermilk’s assessment, stating that the delay was inexcusable and could have prevented the damage done on that day.

While Pelosi and other Democrats had previously blamed Trump for the delays, Loudermilk’s investigation points to military officials under the Defense Secretary as the ones at fault. He alleges that they acted against Trump’s wishes, despite the president having delegated authority to the Secretary of Defense.

Footage released by Loudermilk’s panel, taken from an HBO documentary, shows interactions between lawmakers and military officials during the events of January 6. The clips reveal confusion and delays in the activation of the National Guard, despite assurances given to lawmakers that help was on the way.

Overall, Loudermilk’s investigation sheds new light on the events of January 6 and raises questions about the role of military officials in the delay of the National Guard’s response. The ongoing debate about who was ultimately responsible for the delay continues, with conflicting accounts from different parties involved in the events of that day.