
Animated franchises like “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem,” “Transformers One,” and “The Smurfs Movie” are constantly expanding to reach new audiences. During a panel at the Annecy Animation Festival, directors Jeff Rowe, Josh Cooley, Chris Miller, and María Trénor shared their insights on the creative process behind revitalizing these beloved franchises.

Rowe emphasized the importance of approaching established franchises with fresh eyes and a willingness to take creative risks. For “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” the team hired individuals with no prior knowledge of the franchise to bring a new perspective to the project. Conversely, Cooley acknowledged the challenge of reinventing a long-standing franchise like “Transformers” while staying true to its roots. He highlighted the significance of balancing familiarity with innovation to captivate both new and existing fans.

Similarly, Miller discussed the importance of respecting the source material when working on “The Smurfs Movie.” By drawing inspiration from the original comics and exploring new storytelling opportunities, the team aimed to honor the beloved characters and world of the Smurfs while appealing to modern audiences.

The directors also touched on the challenges of navigating the divide between animation for children and adults. Rowe expressed his desire to create films that offer depth and truth, challenging the industry’s conventional wisdom about catering to specific audiences. Trénor, on the other hand, celebrated the freedom she found in creating “Rock Bottom,” an auteur film that explores themes of freedom and rebellion.

Humor emerged as a key element in the creative process, with filmmakers like Rowe and Miller emphasizing the importance of finding genuine laughs in their projects. Collaborating with writers like Pam Brady and tackling comedic scenes with authenticity were essential to creating engaging and entertaining films.

Ultimately, the directors agreed that the key to expanding animated franchises lies in striking a balance between honoring the past and embracing the future. By staying true to the essence of beloved characters and worlds while pushing creative boundaries, filmmakers can deliver fresh and engaging stories that resonate with audiences of all ages.