Transportation of concrete a profession apart
Transportation of concrete a profession apart

Shot – Management, are much more than just a driver. They go on with their cool machines, not only in the job, as the shipper, but at the same time, piece by piece, skilled workers with a thorough knowledge of. They are not subject to the road transport industry, but in the construction industry.

the school can not teach. “Our students are in for a lot of internally trained, and in part by Constructiv. Internally, they run in a few weeks, along with an experienced colleague in order to all of the opinions and practice to get the hang of. It comes with a remote training course to a number of days, specifically on the ability to drive in order for the certificate of betonmixerchauffeur, in addition to the SAFETY certificate to achieve”, says He Vertongen, general director at Transportbeton De Beuckelaer from the Shot.

“Because the applicant is not thickly planted, or walk, we have, in co-operation with the Talentenwerf and Fedbeton for some time now, a path opened to job-seekers at the employment guide. One requirement is that the language they speak because they have something to communicate, and the documents to be able to read and add to. Management should also have a good knowledge to have. They are true craftsmen. Characteristic are the irregular hours, but, on the other hand, they are due to the inclusion of the construction sector is in an interesting salary category (IV, PC-124). The salary is higher than the average truck driver.”

It is also one of the reasons why Mario Smith (50) for more than fourteen years ago, as the step before. “I have worked previously in a timber yard, and it was all just to get to overtime to do it. Because that’s one of the things that you must be aware of. If betonmixerchauffeur you have irregular hours, and often days. You start with, due to the mobility, from very early on, and you never know in advance when exactly you have done. You can have up to four o’clock in the afternoon, but even at eight o’clock in the evening. You will still have to rely on an average of ten to twelve hours a day. On the other hand, you’ve got by working overtime do a lot of recuperatiedagen. The whole work in four days, and you will be one day per week at home, how to.