
The Trump campaign has accused President Biden of spreading lies about Trump’s response to the Charlottesville protests in 2017. A fact-check report by Snopes debunked the claim that Trump spoke favorably of neo-Nazis during that time. The Trump campaign called on Biden and his team to stop promoting this “hoax” and to end any advertising that pushes this false narrative.

Snopes clarified that Trump did not refer to neo-Nazis as “very fine people” during a press conference in 2017. The fact check aligns with Trump’s argument that his remarks were taken out of context and misconstrued by the media and the left.

The Charlottesville protests in 2017, which resulted in violence and deaths, were condemned by both Republicans and Democrats. Trump stated that such displays of hatred and violence had no place in America and condemned the actions of the protesters. However, his comments about there being “very fine people on both sides” received backlash from Democrats and the media.

Biden has repeatedly used the events in Charlottesville as a focal point for his campaign and has portrayed Trump’s response as a moral failure. He has characterized the protests as a battle for the soul of America and has framed his decision to run for president in 2020 based on these events.

Recently, Biden faced criticism for his response to anti-Israel protests on college campuses, with some comparing his comments to Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville. Critics pointed out similarities in Biden’s language and accused him of echoing Trump’s statements from 2017.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign for a response to the Snopes fact check and the Trump campaign’s accusations but did not receive an immediate reply. The ongoing debate about the events in Charlottesville and their political implications continues to be a point of contention between the two parties.

As the presidential campaign heats up, the issue of how the Charlottesville protests are portrayed and interpreted remains a divisive topic. Both sides continue to use this moment in history to further their political agendas and narratives. The fact check by Snopes serves as a reminder of the importance of context and accuracy in political discourse.