
In the latest Times/Siena poll, it has been revealed that Donald Trump has extended his lead over President Biden by six percentage points among likely voters nationally. This increase in Trump’s lead comes after Biden’s lackluster debate performance, which has raised concerns among voters about Biden’s age and ability to effectively govern.

According to the poll, Trump now leads Biden 49 percent to 43 percent among likely voters, a significant three-point swing towards the Republican candidate since the debate. This is the largest lead that Trump has had in a Times/Siena poll since 2015. Among registered voters, Trump leads even further with 49 percent to 41 percent over Biden.

The survey also indicates that doubts about Biden’s age and mental acuity are widespread and growing across all demographic, geographic, and ideological groups. A majority of voters, including Black voters and those who still intend to vote for him, believe that Biden, at 81 years old, is too old to be effective. Overall, 74 percent of voters view him as too old for the job, which is a five-percentage-point increase since the debate.

Furthermore, concerns about Biden’s age have increased significantly among Democrats, with 59 percent now believing he is too old to be effective. Among independent voters, this sentiment has risen to 79 percent, almost equaling the Republican view of the president. These findings suggest that Biden’s debate performance may have damaged his standing among key voter groups.

The poll results serve as early empirical evidence of the challenges facing Biden’s campaign, with many Democrats worried that his debate struggles have put him at a disadvantage against Trump in the upcoming election. Some Democratic lawmakers and donors are questioning Biden’s fitness for office and are calling on him to demonstrate to the public that he is capable of serving as president until the age of 86.

Overall, the latest Times/Siena poll highlights the increasing concerns about Biden’s age and effectiveness as a candidate, as well as the growing support for Trump among likely voters. With the election approaching, it remains to be seen how Biden will address these challenges and regain momentum in the race against Trump.