
Former President Donald Trump recently made a phone call to Patty Morin, the mother of Rachel Morin, a Maryland woman allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant. This act reflects Trump’s continued outreach to “angel families,” individuals who have lost loved ones due to crimes committed by illegal immigrants. During the call, which lasted around 20 minutes, Trump expressed his support and genuine concern for the Morin family. Patty Morin expressed her gratitude for Trump’s kindness and compassion during this difficult time.

This outreach is not new for Trump, as he has previously reached out to families who have suffered similar tragedies. In February, he spoke to the parents of Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student brutally murdered by an illegal migrant, describing them as “incredible people” devastated by the loss of their daughter. These gestures of empathy and support have resonated with families who have faced the devastating impact of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

During his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump made the issue of illegal immigration a central focus. High-profile cases, such as the fatal shooting of Kate Steinle in 2015 by an illegal immigrant who had been deported multiple times, sparked a national dialogue on illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Trump’s efforts to bring attention to these cases and highlight the stories of “angel families” helped solidify his stance on immigration policy and garnered support from individuals like Jamiel Shaw, whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant with a history of criminal charges.

By giving a platform to these families and emphasizing the need to prioritize the safety of Americans, Trump was able to connect with voters who shared his concerns about illegal immigration. His promise to address these issues and protect innocent lives resonated with many supporters who had been personally affected by crimes committed by individuals who entered the country illegally.

As the 2020 election approaches, Trump’s continued focus on illegal immigrant crime serves as a rallying point for his supporters. By maintaining contact with “angel families” and demonstrating his commitment to addressing these issues, Trump is able to keep the conversation around illegal immigration at the forefront of his campaign. This strategy not only showcases his empathy and concern for those impacted by these crimes but also reinforces his stance on immigration policy and border security.

Overall, Trump’s outreach to families affected by illegal immigrant crime underscores his dedication to addressing this issue and his willingness to stand with those who have suffered as a result. As he seeks to rally support for his 2020 campaign, these personal connections and gestures of support continue to resonate with voters who share his concerns about the impact of illegal immigration on communities across the country.