
Former President Donald Trump recently disclosed his plans to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 20 percent during a meeting with top business executives. The meeting took place in Washington and included prominent figures such as Tim Cook from Apple and Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan Chase.

Trump’s proposal to further cut corporate taxes has sparked interest and excitement among the business community. Many corporate leaders have been concerned about the potential shift in Trump’s stance towards them if he were to be reelected. However, his promise to lower taxes seemed to reassure and please the executives in attendance.

During the meeting, Trump also addressed other topics, such as immigration, in a more tempered manner than usual. This change in tone was noted by the attendees, who found his approach to be more accommodating and less confrontational.

Overall, Trump’s efforts to court CEOs and garner support from the business community have been met with some positive feedback. His focus on tax cuts and willingness to engage with corporate leaders could potentially strengthen his position and influence in the business world as he prepares for a possible return to office.