
Former President Trump is making a comeback, according to NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd. Todd believes that Trump is starting to regain the charisma and energy that resonated with voters back in 2016. He pointed out that Trump’s recent appearances have shown a more relaxed and humorous side of him, which is a stark contrast to the angry and disgruntled persona he has portrayed in the past few years.

During a discussion with MSNBC host Katy Tur, Todd highlighted that Trump’s demeanor seems to change based on whether he is winning or losing. When he is on a losing streak, the worst version of Trump emerges, but when he feels ahead, he becomes a different person and a different candidate. Todd mentioned that Trump’s recent behavior resembles that of his 2016 campaign, where he positioned himself as an outsider and disrupter.

However, Tur expressed skepticism about Trump’s ability to move past his grievances, especially amid his ongoing legal battles. She noted that Trump’s upcoming sentencing in Manhattan and the Supreme Court decisions on presidential immunity could fuel his grievances further. Tur suggested that Trump’s campaign is less about policy and more about portraying his personal grievances as shared grievances of the American people.

Despite the doubts raised by Tur, Todd remains optimistic about Trump’s prospects in the 2024 election. He believes that Trump’s shift in demeanor and focus could potentially attract voters who were drawn to his outsider image in 2016. Whether or not Trump will be able to maintain this new persona and avoid dwelling on past grievances remains to be seen.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Trump’s resurgence as a potential candidate in 2024 is sure to be a topic of much debate and speculation. The dynamic between Trump’s personal grievances and his appeal as an outsider disrupter will play a crucial role in shaping his campaign and influencing voter perception. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.