
Former President Donald Trump responded to questions about prosecuting his political enemies by suggesting that President Biden could be charged and convicted of crimes after leaving office. In response, President Biden highlighted Trump’s legal issues, including civil and criminal cases, and severe financial penalties he has faced.

Trump claimed that Biden could be a convicted felon due to his policies on the border and in Ukraine. However, Biden fired back, pointing out Trump’s felony convictions in New York, ongoing criminal cases, and civil penalties. He criticized Trump for his behavior and legal troubles, stating, “You have the morals of an alley cat.”

Additionally, Trump defended himself and his supporters’ actions during the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021, blaming the Biden administration for ruining the lives of those convicted in connection with the attack. He even suggested that members of the House committee investigating the incident should be jailed.

Furthermore, Trump brought up the felony conviction of Biden’s son, Hunter, emphasizing that he was a convicted felon at a high level. The exchange between the two former presidents highlighted their ongoing feud and differing perspectives on legal matters and accountability. It showcased the deep divide in American politics and the personal animosity between Trump and Biden. The conversation also shed light on the potential legal challenges that may arise for both men in the future.