
Former President Donald J. Trump recently spoke at the evangelical Faith & Freedom Coalition in Washington, portraying himself as a defender of religious freedom and a martyr for Christians. He emphasized the idea that he was being persecuted for his beliefs and suggested that the attacks on him were actually aimed at the American people of faith.

During his speech, Mr. Trump mentioned having “wounds all over,” likely referring to his legal challenges and portraying himself as a victim. He received strong applause when he urged Christian voters to come out in large numbers to vote against President Biden in the upcoming election.

This appeal to the evangelical community comes at a crucial time in the campaign, with a debate between President Biden and Mr. Trump scheduled to take place soon. Polls indicate a close race, with Mr. Biden slightly ahead in national polls for the first time since March.

President Biden, on the other hand, has been preparing for the debate at Camp David with the help of his former chief of staff and other key advisers. The upcoming debate will be an important moment in the campaign as both candidates vie for support from the American people.

The narrative of martyrdom and persecution that Mr. Trump is pushing seems to resonate with the Christian right, who see him as a champion of their values. This strategy could potentially mobilize a significant portion of the voting population who prioritize religious freedoms.

As the election draws near, it will be interesting to see how this narrative plays out and whether it will have a significant impact on the outcome. Both candidates are working hard to secure support and sway undecided voters in their favor. The debate will be a critical event that could potentially shift the dynamics of the race.