
Donald J. Trump’s influence over the Republican Party is becoming more apparent as his team aims to streamline and simplify the party’s official platform. According to a memo reviewed by The New York Times, Trump’s advisers, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, are working to create a concise and pro-Trump platform that is easy for the American people to understand.

The memo criticizes past platforms as being too long and influenced by special interests, making the party vulnerable to attacks from Democrats. By reducing the platform’s size, Trump’s team hopes to avoid providing ammunition for opponents to distort their message to voters.

This move to condense the platform is expected to spark disagreements among conservatives and party activists who have traditionally debated the document’s language. Some anticipate that the new platform could be half the size of the 60-page platform adopted in 2016.

In particular, anti-abortion activists are concerned that the Trump team may alter longstanding language in the platform to present a more moderate stance on the issue. These activists are preparing to push back against any attempts to dilute or remove key language related to their cause.

The memo was sent ahead of the G.O.P.’s upcoming gathering in Milwaukee, where the party will vote on the platform before selecting a presidential nominee at the national convention. Trump’s efforts to shape the platform in line with his vision for America’s future reflect his ongoing influence within the party.

As the Republican Party continues to evolve under Trump’s leadership, the decision to streamline the platform underscores his desire for a clear and focused message to resonate with voters. The upcoming debates and discussions surrounding the platform are likely to highlight the ongoing tension between different factions within the party as they navigate Trump’s influence and the party’s future direction.