
The White House criticized congressional Republicans for supporting former President Donald Trump’s tariff plan, which they believe will negatively impact families and worsen inflation. White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates accused Republicans of advocating for tax cuts for the wealthy, cutting Medicare and Social Security, and implementing tariffs that would raise costs for hardworking families.

During a meeting with Senate and House Republicans, Trump suggested replacing income tax with tariffs. Bates also pointed out that Republicans are pushing for tax breaks for corporations, which could add $1 trillion to the deficit. In response, President Biden’s administration opposes this economic agenda and aims to protect social programs, cut the deficit by taxing the rich, and address corporate greed.

The Trump campaign refuted these claims, stating that Trump’s economic policies led to record-low rates and minimal inflation. They accused Biden of endangering Social Security and Medicare with his immigration policies. Trump, during his recent visit to Capitol Hill, emphasized party unity and promised to bring common sense back to government if re-elected.

The debate between the two parties highlights the different economic approaches and priorities. While Republicans support tariffs and tax breaks for corporations, Democrats focus on protecting social programs and taxing the wealthy. The upcoming election will determine which economic agenda the country will follow in the future.