
As the CNN Presidential Debate approaches, both President Biden and former President Donald Trump are gearing up to take the stage. Biden is preparing at Camp David, while Trump is hitting the campaign trail in Philadelphia. Fox News Correspondent Alexis McAdams caught up with Trump before his rally at Temple University to see how he is getting ready.

During his rally, Trump engaged with the crowd and asked for their input on how he should approach the debate. He questioned whether he should take a tough and aggressive stance or remain calm and composed while allowing Biden to speak. Despite his approach, Trump expressed confidence in his abilities and dismissed any concerns about Biden’s debate preparations.

Trump’s campaign strategy includes touring swing states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, all of which he won in 2016 but lost in 2020. Recent polls show that Trump is gaining support in these states, particularly from young and nonwhite voters who are dissatisfied with Biden’s economic and Gaza policies. In Pennsylvania, a crucial state for the presidential race, Trump is leading Biden by two points according to a Marist College Poll.

During his rally in Philadelphia, many voters expressed concerns about the economy, border security, crime, and inflation. Despite a Fox News Poll indicating that 32% of voters view the economy positively, individual sentiments reflect struggles with rising costs and financial strain. Trump emphasized the need for hope and positive change, contrasting Biden’s leadership with promises of a better future.

Looking ahead, Trump has not yet announced his vice-presidential pick but assured that a decision will be made around the time of the convention. After the debate, both candidates plan to focus on Southern states, with Biden visiting North Carolina and Trump rallying in Virginia. Trump expressed optimism about his chances in traditionally Democratic-leaning states like Virginia and Minnesota, citing a growing discontent with the current state of the nation.

In a recent Fox News survey of Virginia registered voters, Trump and Biden are tied at 48% each in a head-to-head matchup. The upcoming debates and campaign events will continue to shape the narrative leading up to the 2024 presidential election, with both candidates vying for support and outlining their visions for the future of the country.