
Ride to Work Day 2024: A Celebration of Motorcycle Commuting

Tomorrow marks the annual Ride to Work Day, scheduled for June 11, 2024. This day serves as a reminder for individuals to consider using their motorcycles as a practical mode of transportation to their workplace.

Despite the increasing popularity of motorcycle commuting, there are still individuals who do not regularly utilize their bikes for daily transportation. Ride to Work Day aims to encourage more people to embrace the convenience and efficiency of motorcycle commuting.

The concept of Ride to Work Day was first organized by Andy Goldfine over 30 years ago, with the goal of promoting motorcycles as a viable means of transportation. This initiative is supported by a registered non-profit organization, dedicated to advocating for the use of motorcycles and scooters for daily commuting purposes.

The inspiration for Ride to Work Day stemmed from the “Work to Ride – Ride to Work” marketing materials developed by the Aero Design and Manufacturing Company in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This marketing campaign caught the attention of motorcycle enthusiasts and led to the establishment of a national Ride to Work Day.

The inaugural Ride to Work Day event took place on July 22, 1992, following an editorial by motorcycle magazine editor Fred Rau, who championed the idea of a designated day for motorcycle commuting. Since then, Ride to Work Day has become an annual celebration, encouraging more individuals to experience the benefits of moto-commuting.

For additional information on Ride to Work Day and practical tips for motorcycle commuting, visit the official Ride to Work Day website. Andy Goldfine, the founder of Aerostich RiderWear, is a key figure behind this initiative, promoting gear that enhances the moto-commuting experience, including their innovative one-piece suits.

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