Even in foreign countries, the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not tolerate contradiction. If the censorship and the control of the spirits are more affluent within their own country, opponents now find themselves hunted down including outside of the borders of Turkey. And in particular in Germany, where Turks represent the largest immigrant community. The German media, relayed by the site iGeneration, an application available on smartphones, allows you to denounce the dissidents to the Turkish authorities.
The application is called the EGM, for Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü is the general Directorate of Security of the country according to the website. It is available on iOS as on Android. Supports the most zealous of Recep Tayyip Erdogan may use it to share with the Turkish police screen shots of critical messages for the president posted on social networks abroad.
Read also : Turkey: Erdogan, the dictator
Threats after a message Facebook
But even living abroad, the Turkish nationals are not free to give their opinion on the Turkish president without the risk of retaliatory measures. Supporters of Recep Tayyip Erdogan are active also outside the borders of the country and for the citizens reported, the return to Turkey – for a holiday for example – can prove to be very complicated. The German media report the testimony of a man who has received threats after being denounced on the application following a critical message on Facebook.
The family of a basketball player Enes Kanter, who plays in the United States and has called Erdogan “the dictator “and” Hitler of our century ” on the social networks, has had to publicly disown in order to avoid reprisals. Since then, the player in the NBA also avoids contact with his family for not putting them in danger.
Read also our folder Turkey : freedom of expression in purgatory
On the same subject, Asli Erdogan : “waiting for Europe to denounce the fascism in Turkey ?”