TV criticism the scene of the crime The Commissioner the shot
TV criticism the scene of the crime The Commissioner the shot

TV-criticism, “the scene of the crime” – The Commissioner, the sharp anniversary shoot in Weimar: The police couple of Lessing and mandrel identified for the tenth Time. It was The last Schrey was not”,” but your best case.Matthias Lerf0 comment Lessing (Christian Ulmen) and mandrel (Nora Tschirner) encounter in their tenth “crime scene” with all sorts of oddities – such as the patrol officers Lupo, wearing his cocoa-stock to the head.Photo: MDR

this Time, the mandrel (Nora Tschirner) had the better spells than Lessing (Christian Ulmen). The two share a bed and the police work together, have a child, and therefore, more support problems, because there is also in the quiet of Weimar so many crimes. A French Au-pair to it, but this Adrienne is not exactly reliable. Mandrel grabs your apology, and echot at the next opportunity, wonderfully French (and incorrectly): “Je suis tresolé.”

you can but it is also solid. “If you leave the car, I’ll shoot you in the foot”, threatening the Commissioner in the final, a young man whose father is being held somewhere in an empty Lung hospital, trapped, and possibly killed. He wouldn’t be the first Dead in this tenth use of the pair in Weimar: First of all, a puppy with the meat hammer is struck. A little later the owner (Yes, with the same Hammer). And then the female part of the slightly underexposed criminal couple.

The blind witness

This “scene of the crime” varies between bloody absurdities and sharp word jokes. That’s why we love the Weimar, however, the mixture in earlier consequences of failure more significant. Symptoms are the normal wear and tear? Or maybe it is to cramped to Try to be for the anniversary is still Hyper than usual? For example, there are many witnesses to a murder, but the are all members of a blind Association. Or: The boss himself of a troublesome financial controller gets rid of by means of-eating Orgy on the Grill and then Matt by Puke.

“The last Schrey” is the title of this episode refers to the kidnapping victims: a former Frankfurter “Tatort”Commissioner Jörg Schüttauf played Patron of a Thuringian knitwear factory. You could now puns, so this consequence look hand knitted. But the staging of Mira Thiel ranks, in fact, Pointe to Pointe and takes in between there are several irregularities in purchase.

This also shows at the end: Since the threat from the shot in the foot. The Threatened to leave the car of course, nevertheless, as soon as the commissioners are gone, and the abduction finds the victim prompt. The situation comes to a head, but the mandrel and Lessing wrong somewhere institution far away through the ruined lungs healing. So stupid they’re not? No, this is solely due to the following Pointe.

The works but, again, magnificent. It actually comes to a wild conclusion of the shooting. Commissioner Dorn hits. Where do you think?

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