resim 501
resim 501

A man builds a two-meter-high wall around his house in a residential area. The wall is intended to serve as a privacy screen. However, his neighbors don’t like it. For them, the stone wall is an “eyesore”. 

A resident of a housing estate in Swindon, England has angered his neighbors by building a 1.85 meter high wall around his property, the Daily Mail reports. The wall is a thorn in the side of the neighbors because the house and the wall do not fit into the green area. They demand that the wall be torn down.

The story originated two years ago. At that time, Satyan I removed the hedge and wooden fence that marked the boundaries of his property. He then built a wall around his house. His neighbors complain that this took up an extra meter of land.

They call the wall an “eyesore” and compare it to one of the most famous walls in history. “It’s like living next to the Berlin Wall – and like the Berlin Wall, it has to be torn down,” the Daily Mail quoted an anonymous resident as saying. 

The dispute over the wall in Swindon – west London – has now attracted the attention of the city’s district council. The city planners are now pushing for an order that will force I. to tear down the wall. The building competes with the surrounding green space in the luxurious neighborhood, according to city planners. They call the wall a “poor design” that doesn’t fit into the surrounding area.

I. now has to tear down the wall, even though two years ago – when he built the wall – there were no objections from the local council or his neighbors. The district’s urban planners are now taking action. The wall has to go.

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