
The New Paradigm Institute is calling for the next president of the United States to commit to releasing UFO-related documents. The Chief Counsel, Daniel Sheehan, emphasized the importance of UAP disclosure and government transparency in a statement on June 12. The organization has launched a social media campaign to urge debate moderators to question each 2024 candidate about their willingness to declassify these files.

According to Rep. Tim Burchett, documents related to UFOs, or UAPs, are highly compartmentalized, making it difficult to uncover the truth. He believes that it will require a commander-in-chief who is willing to declassify everything to shed light on this mysterious phenomenon.

The New Paradigm Institute’s campaign aims to include a question about UFOs in the upcoming presidential debates. Sheehan stressed the significance of candidates committing to UAP disclosure and government transparency. The organization sees the debates as the perfect platform for the public to understand where each candidate stands on this issue.

While the topic of UFOs has previously been met with skepticism and even mockery, there is a growing interest in Congress to release related files. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s response to a question about UFOs during a presidential primary debate drew criticism from those advocating for disclosure. Many believe that laughter is not an appropriate reaction to a national security question.

Despite the stigma surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life, the topic is becoming more mainstream. Efforts in Congress, such as Sen. Chuck Schumer’s bipartisan UFO disclosure bill, reflect a shifting attitude towards transparency. Whistleblowers have also come forward with allegations of secret government programs related to alien technology, sparking further interest in the subject.

As the debate around UFO disclosure continues, the call for government transparency remains strong. The proposed bills and social media campaigns highlight the growing demand for answers regarding UFOs. It is clear that the topic of UFOs and UAPs will continue to be a subject of interest and debate in the political landscape.