
The legacy media has faced intense scrutiny recently for its coverage of President Biden’s mental decline, which was evident during last month’s presidential debate. Biden has broken norms by granting fewer interviews than any other modern American president. Fox News Digital reached out to 20 Biden interviewers, but only two were willing to speak anonymously.

The first interviewer noted that Biden seemed physically stiffer this year and had watery, glassy eyes. Despite this, there were no noticeable mental lapses during the interview. The second interviewer mentioned that Biden walked stiffly but was engaged and responsive. Both interviewers expressed frustration with Biden’s team for closely guarding him.

Some interviewers have been more open about their experiences with Biden. Former ESPN host Sage Steele recalled how Biden trailed off during their conversation, and her questions were scripted by ESPN. CBS News correspondent Scott Pelley warned viewers about Biden’s tiredness due to his lifelong stutter. Time magazine’s Massimo Calabresi noted that Biden appears older than when he started in office.

ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos bluntly stated that he doesn’t think Biden can serve four more years. In a rare print interview with the Associated Press, Biden’s quotes were described as “inaudible” and “garble” multiple times. Biden also went viral for wandering off set during a live television interview.

Questions about Biden’s cognitive fitness have become more socially acceptable, with journalists now feeling more comfortable addressing concerns about his mental health. The White House has not responded to requests for comment on these issues.