
Former President Trump and President Biden have been preparing for weeks for the highly anticipated CNN Presidential Debate. This debate is the first of the 2024 presidential election cycle to feature both men, and Americans are eager to hear their perspectives on critical issues. While the focus is on policy, many are also waiting for viral moments created by the candidates’ remarks and expressions, especially given their social media presence.

President Biden has had his share of viral moments, including falls and gaffes captured on camera. On the other hand, former President Trump recently went viral for a heartwarming interaction with a young fan in Philadelphia. These moments add a human touch to the candidates and show their personalities beyond the political arena.

In addition to their public personas, both candidates have faced scrutiny over their financial matters. President Biden’s tax returns have been a topic of discussion, while former President Trump’s tax filings in 2016 and 2017 have raised questions. These financial issues have been brought up during previous debates and have become part of the candidates’ public image.

During past debates, both candidates have shown strong reactions to each other’s statements. From accusations about handling the COVID-19 pandemic to discussions about energy policies and climate change, the candidates have not shied away from expressing their opinions. These moments reveal the intensity of the debates and the contrasting views of the candidates on various issues.

As Americans gear up to watch the CNN Presidential Debate, the absence of an audience and controlled microphones will put the focus solely on the candidates. Viewers will be looking for any reactions and facial expressions that may provide insight into the candidates’ thoughts and emotions. These non-verbal cues often add depth to the verbal exchanges and can influence public perception of the candidates.

Overall, the upcoming debate promises to be a riveting event that will shape the narrative of the 2024 presidential election cycle. With both candidates eager to make their case to the American people, the debate will be a crucial moment in the campaign. As the candidates face off on stage, viewers will be watching closely for any moments that could go viral and impact the course of the election.