
It has been almost 4 years since the mainstream media demanded we not believe our lying eyes and instead pretend that Hunter Biden’s infamous and damning laptop was all just Russian disinformation. So it should come as a shock to precisely nobody that with Joe Biden and his presidency crumbling all around us, his media allies and enablers are back at it, this time with ludicrous claims that the president’s obvious mental decline is all just a “cheap fake.”

The term itself is absurd on its face, derived from “deep fake” which is an image or video manipulated by software, “cheap fake,” on the other hand, seems to mean any piece of legitimate and accurate video that makes Joe Biden look bad.

Joe Biden staring off into space as everyone around him dances? Cheap fake. Losing track of world leaders in a field and having to be retrieved by Italy’s Prime Minister? Cheap Fake. Endless clips of the commander in chief slurring his way through incomprehensible phrases? Cheap Fakes all.

To be clear, none of these videos are manipulated whatsoever. Instead, the White House is concerned that Republicans are somehow making voters see something in them that isn’t really there.

In fairness, this is something that Democrats know a thing or two about. We all recall the video of border agents on horseback, who obviously weren’t whipping anyone being accused by this administration for months and months of whipping migrants like antebellum plantation owners. And then, of course, there is Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Just days before the 2020 election, the Biden campaign, which had every reason to know the laptop was real, piled together 51 intel experts to absurdly claim that it was most likely Russian disinformation. But the real disinformation was the letter from these so-called experts itself, a cynical ploy to buy just enough time to get elected before the truth inevitably got out.

The same exact operation is going on with this absurd “cheap fake” nonsense.

Joe Biden is in decline, as many people his age are. We can see it, day after day, week after week. We can see that it is only getting worse, so all that his campaign can do is tell you, as George Orwell once put it, “to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.”

This time, instead of 51 intelligence officials, the Democrats have fact-checkers and disinformation experts on hand to warn us about the grave danger of watching perfectly accurate videos and drawing perfectly normal conclusions from them.

Let’s be clear about something, falsely alleging that real video footage has somehow been manipulated is every bit as much an act of disinformation as presenting a manipulated image as real. It is the same insidious act.

Four years ago, the Biden campaign used disinformation to conceal the very real corruption in the Biden family. This year they are using it to conceal the very real, and utterly obvious decline in Joe Biden’s mental and physical abilities.

But this time, they might be going just a bit too far. It’s one thing to lie to convince news outlets and social media companies to ignore a damning laptop, it is quite another to hide the bumbling shenanigans of a man running for president of the United States.

Perhaps what is most telling is that Biden world is pulling out this ridiculous Hail Mary of lies so early in the campaign, as if they know that the next four months will bring more and more embarrassing senior moments to America’s screens.

And therein lies the problem. Biden only had to keep the cover on the laptop story for a few weeks, just to get to Election Day. This “cheap fake” disinformation they are spewing has to last until November.

That is very bad news for Biden, because, like his presidency itself, it is already starting to fall apart.