
A new emotion has taken over Riley’s teenage mind. It’s Anxiety. In the sequel to the Pixar movie “Inside Out,” called “Inside Out 2,” we see how Anxiety becomes a dominant force in Riley’s emotional life. This new character enters Riley’s mind with literal baggage, carrying six suitcases and offering to do anything to help, from taking notes to watching her sleep.

Anxiety is not the only new emotion in Riley’s mind in this sequel. There’s also Embarrassment, who struggles to hide in his hoodie, Ennui, who lounges on a couch, and Envy, with her longing eyes. These new emotions reflect the challenges and complexities of being a teenager, especially during events like attending a hockey camp.

The arrival of Anxiety in Riley’s mind highlights an important aspect of mental health that many people, including teenagers, can relate to. The movie provides a window into how anxiety can manifest in our thoughts and actions, and how it can impact our daily lives.

Anxiety is a common mental health issue that affects millions of people around the world. It can be triggered by various factors, such as stress, trauma, or genetics. Understanding anxiety and learning how to cope with it is essential for maintaining good mental health.

The portrayal of Anxiety in “Inside Out 2” offers a unique perspective on this important topic. By personifying Anxiety as a character in Riley’s mind, the movie helps viewers visualize and empathize with the experience of living with anxiety.

Overall, “Inside Out 2” provides a thought-provoking exploration of mental health issues, particularly anxiety, through the lens of a teenage girl’s emotional journey. The movie serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing and understanding mental health, both in ourselves and in others.