
Fox News host Laura Ingraham discussed the Democrats’ push for open borders on her show, “The Ingraham Angle.” Ingraham pointed out that more migrants mean more potential voters for the Democratic party. She highlighted how the pro-immigration amnesty advocates have avoided discussing the negative impact of illegal immigration on the country for many years.

Ingraham mentioned that the estimated number of illegal immigrants in the United States is around 25 million, emphasizing that the pro-amnesty arguments are losing their effectiveness. She also raised concerns about the significant increase in the number of illegal border crossings during Biden’s administration, labeling it as a threat to American sovereignty.

Referring to a recent CBS YouGov poll, Ingraham pointed out that 62% of Americans support a national deportation program to remove all illegal immigrants from the country. The poll also revealed interesting demographic breakdowns, showing that 67% of White Americans, 53% of Hispanics, and 47% of Blacks favor deportation. This indicates that people from various racial backgrounds are concerned about the impact of illegal immigration on their communities.

Ingraham’s analysis sheds light on the growing discontent among Americans regarding the issue of illegal immigration. The poll results reflect a widespread desire for stricter enforcement measures to address the challenges posed by illegal immigrants living in the country.

The discussion on “The Ingraham Angle” underscores the importance of having a comprehensive and balanced approach to immigration policy. It highlights the need to consider the concerns of American citizens while also addressing the humanitarian aspects of the issue. As the debate on immigration continues, it is crucial for policymakers to listen to the voices of the people and work towards solutions that benefit both the nation and those seeking a better life in the United States.