
The National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council 119, a union representing federal asylum officers, recently criticized the Biden administration’s policies regarding asylum at the southern border. In a court filing, the union expressed concern that the restrictions put in place by President Biden unlawfully limit protections for migrants seeking asylum.

The group, which consists of over 1,000 asylum and humanitarian officers across the United States, voiced their support for the American Civil Liberties Union’s lawsuit aimed at blocking the policy. They argued that the order signed by President Biden is not humane and that it restricts lawful immigration pathways for individuals seeking asylum.

The union emphasized that expanding lawful immigration opportunities for some should not come at the cost of closing off opportunities for others. They believe that President Biden’s policy contradicts the United States’ commitment to upholding humanitarian legal obligations.

This is not the first time the union has taken a stance against border restrictions. In the past, they have supported legal challenges against similar policies implemented during the Trump administration. Additionally, they have previously opposed a different Biden administration initiative aimed at limiting access to asylum.

The union’s decision to speak out against these policies stems from their concerns about the United States’ diminishing commitment to refugee protection and the rule of law in recent years. They are advocating for the rights of asylum seekers and pushing back against what they see as unlawful restrictions.

Overall, the union’s support for the legal challenge to the Biden administration’s asylum policies highlights the ongoing debate surrounding immigration and asylum in the United States. As the situation continues to evolve, it is crucial to consider the perspectives of those directly involved in implementing and enforcing these policies.