
US and Brazil call for new Venezuela election amidst challenges

In a surprising move, both the United States and Brazil have proposed the idea of holding a new election in Venezuela, despite facing opposition from both the ruling party and the opposition in the country. This proposal comes in the midst of a political crisis in Venezuela, with both sides claiming victory in the July 28 contest.

US President Joe Biden expressed his support for a new election in Venezuela, following Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s suggestion that Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro could call for a new contest involving international observers as a potential solution for the political crisis. However, both Maduro and his opposition coalition opponents have shown little support for this suggestion from the international community.

The US has rejected Maduro’s claim of victory in the election and has imposed hardened oil sanctions on Venezuela for what it deems as Maduro’s failure to comply with electoral conditions. This move, along with the lack of swift and tough action from other Western countries, has raised concerns about the legitimacy of the election results.

Proposal for a New Election

President Lula’s suggestion of a “coalition government” as another possible solution for Venezuela has sparked discussions about the potential for a new election in the country. Lula proposed that Maduro could call for new elections with a nonpartisan electoral committee, in an effort to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

However, Venezuelan opposition leader Maria Corina Machado has rejected the idea of a new election, stating that the election has already taken place and that Maduro must be held accountable for the growing unrest in the country. Ruling party officials in Venezuela have also dismissed the possibility of new elections, further complicating the situation.

Brazil’s Role in the Crisis

President Lula, who has refused to recognize Maduro as the winner of the election, has called for the publication of voting tallies that have not been released. This demand for transparency echoes similar calls from countries around the world, urging Venezuela to address concerns about the legitimacy of the election results.

Lula’s top foreign policy advisor, Celso Amorim, clarified that Brazil has not formally proposed a new election in Venezuela. However, conservative senators in Brazil have criticized the government for its soft stance on Maduro and have questioned its support for jailed opposition leaders.

The Role of International Observers

One of the key suggestions from both the US and Brazil is the involvement of international observers in a new election in Venezuela. This proposal aims to ensure transparency and fairness in the electoral process, as well as to address concerns about potential voting fraud in the previous election.

The idea of international observers overseeing the election has been met with mixed reactions from both Maduro’s ruling party and the opposition. While some see it as a step towards ensuring a free and fair election, others are skeptical about the influence of foreign entities in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

Potential Solutions for Venezuela

In addition to the proposal for a new election, there have been discussions about other potential solutions for the crisis in Venezuela. Suggestions of a coalition government and a temporary power-sharing arrangement between the ruling party and the opposition have been put forward as possible ways to achieve stability in the country.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has also expressed support for a political deal in Venezuela, emphasizing the importance of Venezuelans taking control of their own future. Petro has called for the lifting of all sanctions on Venezuela, in an effort to facilitate a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

Latin American leaders are set to discuss the situation in Venezuela during an upcoming meeting in the Dominican Republic. This gathering presents an opportunity for regional leaders to come together and explore potential solutions to the crisis, with the goal of promoting stability and democracy in Venezuela.


The proposal for a new election in Venezuela, supported by the US and Brazil, has sparked debates about the best path forward for the country. While there are challenges and opposition from various parties, the idea of holding a transparent and fair election with international observers remains a viable option for resolving the political crisis in Venezuela.

As the international community continues to monitor the situation and offer support for a peaceful resolution, it is crucial for all stakeholders in Venezuela to come together and work towards a sustainable solution that respects the will of the people. Only through dialogue, cooperation, and a commitment to democracy can Venezuela overcome its current challenges and move towards a brighter future.