
Breakdancing, also known as “Breaking,” is making its debut as an Olympic sport this month, and Team USA dancer Logan “Logistx” Edra is thrilled about the opportunity. Edra, a 21-year-old San Diego native, has been dancing since the age of 7 and never imagined she would have the chance to compete for Olympic gold.

In a recent interview, Edra expressed her belief that winning gold is crucial for the breaking community, especially in the United States where traditional sports dominate youth culture. She emphasized the importance of representing the birthplace of hip-hop and the need to win to help support the breaking culture and future generations.

Despite facing challenges in gaining government support and consistent student enrollment at her breaking school in Miami, Edra remains hopeful for the future of breaking as an art form. She sees the Olympics as a platform to elevate the visibility and recognition of breaking, providing motivation and validation for the breaking community.

Edra shared that she has been using GoGo Squeez as a source of fuel and nutrition for her Olympic preparation, noting that it has been a childhood favorite snack. She believes in promoting a conscious and mindful lifestyle, especially in terms of diet and nutrition from a young age.

The recognition and attention that breaking has received through the Olympics have inspired Edra and her crew to continue pursuing their passion with authenticity and collaboration. She expressed gratitude for the mentors and communities that have supported them along the way, recognizing that their journey to the Olympics was a collective effort.

As Edra gears up to compete on the Olympic stage, she remains focused on uplifting the breaking community and staying true to the culture while embracing the new opportunities that come their way. The Olympics have not only provided validation for their art but also a sense of pride and unity among breakers worldwide.

Overall, Edra’s journey to the Olympics symbolizes the resilience and dedication of breakdancers who have long been overshadowed by more mainstream sports. With breaking now on the global stage, Edra and her crew are determined to make their mark and show the world the true essence of this art form.