
A women’s advocacy group, the Independent Women’s Forum, experienced a disturbing incident during their 13-city bus tour called “Our Bodies Our Sports – Take Back Title IX.” The group, consisting of OutKick’s “Gaines for Girls” podcast host Riley Gaines, tennis star Martina Navratilova, and NCAA swimmer Paula Scanlan, among others, found their tour bus vandalized with offensive language and messages labeling them as anti-trans.

The incident occurred in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where the group had gathered for a rally. When they were preparing to leave, they discovered their bus covered in profanity and anti-woman messages left by vandals overnight. The messages included phrases like “Hate Group,” “Trans women are women,” and “Bigots on board,” along with a drawing of a penis on the bus.

The Carrboro Police Department stated that the cost of the damage was unknown at the time. Despite the vandalization, the group remained resilient in their mission to advocate for equal opportunity, fairness, and safety for women in athletics. Brianna Howard, the IWF coalition and bus tour manager, expressed her disappointment at the attack but emphasized the group’s determination to continue spreading their message nationwide.

Riley Gaines also commented on the incident, highlighting the extreme reaction to the group’s advocacy for female-only sports and pointing out the tactics used by those who oppose their stance. Martina Navratilova, when responding to a comment linking the incident to politics, condemned the vandals as cowards and anarchists who disregard women’s rights, regardless of political affiliation.

Despite the setback, the group is pushing forward with their tour, with upcoming stops in Washington, D.C., Virginia Beach, and Nashville. Their commitment to preserving women’s sports and challenging the Biden administration’s rewriting of Title IX remains unwavering. The incident, though disheartening, has only strengthened their resolve to amplify their message and fight for the inclusion and recognition of women in athletics.