In Mallorca, an angry mob is hunting down Algerian migrants. The group accuses the young people of being responsible for break-ins and thefts.

As the “Mallorca Zeitung” reports, there were frightening scenes in Arenal on Mallorca on the night of June 5th to 6th: An angry group of people is said to have chased Algerian migrants. It is suspected that they had previously fled from the Son Gotleu district, where similar chases had also taken place.

According to the “Mallorca Zeitung”, the demonstrators and attackers blame young men in particular, who have only been living on the island for a few months, for the alleged increase in crime in their neighborhood. “Our only concern is to get rid of criminals. If the justice system can’t do it, then we’ll do it,” was reported to have been said on social media in the run-up to the protest, according to the “Mallorca Magazin”.

The Mallorca newspaper further reports that the attackers were mainly members of the Gitanos, the Spanish Roma. Their actions received public support from clans, the far-right Vox party and also Mallorcan media. The Mallorca newspaper further reports that a large police presence was finally able to end the unrest.

As the “Mallorca Magazine” reports, around 300 people gathered in Palma’s troubled district of Son Gotleu last Friday to protest against the presence of allegedly criminal Algerian migrants in their neighborhood. Violent clashes are said to have occurred.

After the violent incidents last week, a deceptive calm is said to have returned to the district. The newspaper “Ultima Hora” is said to have learned from the authorities that the number of Algerians arrested has fallen to a minimum.

Normally, between ten and 15 young men of this nationality are arrested by the police every day, reports the “Mallorca Magazine”. Since Tuesday, only one or no Algerian person has been arrested every day. Potential lawbreakers are currently not leaving their homes for fear of retaliation.

In recent weeks, there have been increasing numbers of mass protests on the Spanish holiday island. However, these protests are not against criminal gangs. Just a few weeks ago, thousands of demonstrators protested in the city center of Palma against excessive tourism on the Balearic Islands. The organizers of the protest particularly pointed to the increase in housing costs on Mallorca, which has fewer than a million inhabitants, which has been caused by mass tourism.

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