
VivaTech 2024: A Recap of the Paris Bar Association Incubator

From May 22 to May 25, 2024, the 8th edition of the “Viva Technology” exhibition, also known as “VivaTech,” was held at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center in Paris. The Paris Bar Association Incubator was present at the event and is here to share their experience with you!

Impressions and Trends:
This edition of VivaTech broke several records, establishing itself as a key player in the European innovation landscape. While VivaTech may still be overshadowed by its distant cousin, CES in Las Vegas, the event has become a must-attend for the tech industry in France. The exhibition showcased a variety of startups, from those hosted by major companies like BNP to thematic and regional stands highlighting specific ecosystems.

One of the standout features of VivaTech was the sheer size of the exhibition. From an “AI Avenue” sponsored by Salesforce to impressive stands from global leaders like Amazon and L’Oréal, the event was a hub of innovation across various sectors. The presence of diverse industries at the exhibition highlighted the widespread impact of innovation, with automotive manufacturers standing alongside microprocessor producers and retail spaces adjacent to environmental initiatives.

VivaTech also saw a significant international presence, with visitors and exhibitors from around the world, including numerous regional stands and country-specific showcases, particularly from African nations. The pervasive theme of artificial intelligence was a focal point of the event, sparking numerous discussions and conferences on the topic.

Animations and Announcements:
The exhibition featured various demonstrations, including interactions with robots that never fail to captivate audiences. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with AI-powered experiences, such as conversing with Vincent Van Gogh. Additionally, VivaTech hosted contests like the INPI Pitch Contest, where participants pitched their ideas in English amidst the energetic atmosphere of the event.

Notable announcements included President Emmanuel Macron’s pledge to position France as a leader in Artificial Intelligence. Various ministers attended VivaTech to support the French Tech initiative, showcasing the country’s tech ecosystem and highlighting participating startups. Airbus also seized the opportunity to unveil the Flying Truck and new AI automation programs.

The Legal Sector at VivaTech:
Several LegalTech companies associated with France Digitale had a presence at the event, underscoring the growing significance of legal technology within the tech industry. Legal considerations, particularly in relation to artificial intelligence, were a major focus at the event, addressing topics like the adoption of the AI Act at the European level and intellectual property issues related to generative AI.

Key Highlights and Conclusion:
Other highlights of VivaTech included the presence of Tesla’s CyberTruck and a virtual appearance by Elon Musk, who emphasized the importance of regulating artificial intelligence. The event also explored the intersection of gaming with other sectors like fashion, luxury, and military activities, showcasing gaming simulators at the Ministry of Armed Forces booth.

In conclusion, VivaTech 2024 was a blend of business and entertainment, catering to companies of all sizes and industries united in their pursuit of innovation. The event culminated in the League of Legends “corpo” league final, underscoring the importance of gaming within the innovation landscape. VivaTech encapsulated a shared ambition for innovation across diverse sectors and interests.