
The pending vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination is the lead story for Thursday’s morning shows as the FBI report nears completion. Senators will have access to the FBI’s findings on Thursday morning, with a vote to end debate on the nomination scheduled for Friday, and a final vote not expected until Saturday at the earliest.

The White House has been under scrutiny for its response to Trump’s alleged mocking of Kavanaugh’s accuser, while the FBI’s investigation into the allegations reportedly did not include interviews with primary witnesses. Yale roommate James Roche has spoken out, accusing Kavanaugh of lying under oath about drinking and his yearbook.

Anti-Kavanaugh protests are planned in DC and other locations, while Justice Stephen Breyer will be speaking at The Atlantic Festival. President Trump has a fundraiser in Minneapolis and an evening rally in Rochester.

TIME magazine’s cover features a message about Christine Blasey Ford’s lasting impact, with artist John Mavroudis using Ford’s own words to create her likeness. The issue also includes a letter from broadcast news legend Connie Chung sharing her own experience with sexual assault and expressing support for Ford.

In other news, concerns are growing over missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Nicaragua has deported a reporter covering protests, and Facebook has faced criticism for blocking gay-themed ads. Barnes & Noble is considering a sale, and Bianna Golodryga has joined “CBS This Morning” as a co-host.

Fox News personalities Tucker Carlson and Steve Doocy have books on Amazon’s top ten list, while Bob Woodward’s “Fear” remains the top NYT bestseller for a third week. NYT writer Bari Weiss is working on a book titled “The New Seven Dirty Words,” set to be published in winter 2020.

B&N’s decision to potentially sell itself comes after a period of declining sales, with new store formats and concepts struggling to attract customers. Bianna Golodryga’s addition to “CBS This Morning” as a co-host reflects her frequent appearances on the show as a fill-in host and correspondent.