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Waste sorting has slowly but surely become more democratic in France. Indeed, according to a BVA survey on ecological gestures, nearly 8 out of 10 French people say they sort their plastic, glass and cardboard waste, as reported by our colleagues from La Voix du Nord. However, despite this manifest and widespread goodwill, doubts sometimes hover over the division of certain waste. Nearly 71% of French people say they have doubts about the bin in which they can throw some of their waste.

In an attempt to alleviate this confusion, a new “info-sorting” logo has appeared since 1 January. In addition, a simplifying regulation also came into force in the new year, as reported by our colleagues from Le Parisien. From now on, no need to rack your brains in front of your garbage bins: all packaging is now to be thrown in the yellow trash can. Until then, some toothpaste tubes, catering trays or even yogurt pots were destined for household waste, either in the gray or green bin, depending on the location.

Another measure has been set regarding the sorting of household waste. It will come into force on January 1, 2024, as reported by Femme Actuelle. Here, the objective of the device is not to facilitate the sorting of waste, but has a much more sustainable and ecological scope. The idea is to fight against waste while simultaneously promoting the circular economy.

Indeed, your bio-waste will soon no longer be able to be thrown away with the rest of your household waste! They will instead have to be evacuated in a so-called “bio-bucket”. All the ingenuity of the measure lies in the fact that this biomass can be very effectively revalorized. In addition, it will reduce household waste that is not reused or recycled by up to a full third. This isolated bio-waste could eventually be transformed into compost, or methanized and used as a source of green energy.

So better get used to this system now! Discover below the waste that will have to be thrown into the famous bio-bucket.