
Family Undertakes Cycling Challenge to Raise Epilepsy Awareness

A family whose daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy is embarking on a 1,000-mile cycling challenge to raise awareness about the condition. Eliza, a seven-year-old, faced difficulties with speech and reading before being diagnosed with epilepsy. Her family and friends are joining forces to support her and raise funds for the Epilepsy Research Institute.

Eliza’s grandfather, Martin, who is spearheading the challenge, expressed the need to take action to create awareness about epilepsy. He shared that many people were unaware of the impact of the condition, as they did not recognize the initial signs in Eliza. Through this initiative, the family aims to shed light on epilepsy and encourage more research to improve treatments for those affected.

According to the Epilepsy Research Institute, over 630,000 individuals in the UK have been diagnosed with epilepsy. A significant number of people with epilepsy do not respond to medication, and the cause of the condition remains unknown in most cases. The institute stressed the importance of further research to enhance understanding and treatment options for epilepsy.

Beyond physical seizures, epilepsy can also impact cognitive functions like speech and confidence. Eliza’s struggles with speech have affected her self-esteem, highlighting the need for early detection and intervention. The cycling challenge will be a test of endurance for the family, with Martin planning to cover 500 miles from Wales to France in support of Eliza.

The family hopes to achieve three key objectives through the challenge. They aim to educate parents about recognizing the signs of epilepsy, advocate for increased research into the condition’s causes, and improve medication efficacy for seizure management. The cycling challenge is scheduled for mid to late June, with updates available on BBC Wiltshire’s social media platforms.

For more information on epilepsy and how to support the cause, visit the Epilepsy Research Institute’s website.