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The French may still be very hot today. The latest report from Météo France predicts a new episode of heat wave on Wednesday on French territory.

A total of 26 departments were placed on orange alert this morning. In addition, there were supposed to be 27, but meteorologists finally removed Pyrénées-Orientales from the list. However, this department remains on yellow alert, which means that we will still have to be careful in the face of the high heat this afternoon.

The slideshow below presents the departments where orange heat wave vigilance was put in place by Météo France in its weather report of August 3, 2022, at 6 a.m. This bulletin may still be subject to clarification from meteorologists. No department is currently placed on red alert.

According to the report, the heat is intensifying particularly in the south-west, the center-east and the north-east of the country. This Wednesday will theoretically be, according to forecasters, the hottest day of this new heat wave.

Météo France also indicates in its bulletin that “clouds can resist at the edge of the Channel”. On the other hand, some greyness runs along the beaches around the Gulf of Lion. In Aquitaine, the fog and the greyness will quickly disappear.

In the rest of France, the sun prevails. Sometimes slightly veiled on the west facade. “Showers are to be expected at the end of the day on the Southern Alps, the Corsican mountains and the Pyrenees” notes the site. Finally, thunderclaps can resonate on the Pyrenean crests occasionally.