resim 459
resim 459

It will be hot, even very hot this afternoon. After a relative freshness in recent days, extreme temperatures are back on Wednesday afternoon in France. We expect up to 36°C in Occitania and in the Landes.

The episode should not however be qualified as “heat wave”: “In the context of an exceptional summer, also marked by several heat waves, the high temperatures will approach the thresholds over 1 to 2 days maximum”, specifies the Weather Channel.

But the feeling should however be heavy, and unpleasant: “It will reach, for example, Wednesday 39°C in Toulouse and 36°C in Paris”, continues the site.

Especially since thunderstorms could break out in the Southwest this evening.

Above all, a phenomenon called “coup de galerne” should affect certain departments at the end of the afternoon, causing a spectacular drop in temperatures.

“This weather phenomenon is characterized by the sudden arrival of a northwest wind which could, this Wednesday, blow up to 100 km / h and bring the mercury from 34°C to 20°C in just a few minutes. .”, explains the Midi Libre newspaper.

On Thursday, the mercury will drop to 15°C between Lower Normandy and Occitania. Between now and Friday, many departments will experience a wave of freshness, with temperatures between 20 and 25°C.

It could also be gray, and thunderstorms, or showers, are not excluded during the weekend.

You will therefore have to enjoy your warm and sunny afternoon!

In our slideshow, find out how many degrees your department will lose in the next few hours (according to the Weather Channel bulletin on 08/24/2022 at 8 a.m.).