The month of June 2023 begins with strong climatic variations. Indeed, between stormy showers, rising temperatures and maximum pollen alert, this month promises to be rich in twists and turns. Météo-France and the Weather Channel agree that Friday June 2 will be marked by thunderstorms. Discover in our slideshow below the departments affected by precipitation.
“For this Friday, June 2, the low clouds are more numerous this morning and are progressing more over Île-de-France and Centre-Val de Loire than the previous days”, explains the specialized site. The bad weather is therefore gaining ground. Nevertheless, the heat should persist in the northern regions of France with a slight coolness. But this is not the case for all departments.
Météo-France places 37 departments on yellow storm vigilance for the day and evening of Friday. Showers are expected to start at 12 p.m. and may continue until midnight in some areas of the country. The North/South gap is thus always felt. As a reminder, this situation is mainly due to the barometric marsh phenomenon. It is an area between two weather systems which then creates precipitation.
“The situation is becoming more unstable than the day before in the south with more numerous and sometimes heavy showers which could take on a stormy character from the end of the afternoon”, confirms the editorial staff of La Chaîne Météo. Thus, temperatures will be between 16 and 28°C in the northern part of the country and between 22 and 30°C in the southern regions of France. In addition, the thunderstorm risk will persist in these areas throughout the weekend. Consult our slideshow below to find out if your department is affected by the bad weather on Friday evening.