resim 201
resim 201

90 euros per month. This is the additional cost that inflation imposes on each French woman and each French man on average, according to the Inflation Observatory of 60 Million Consumers and the NielsenIQ Institute. It was calculated, explains the magazine Dossier Familial on its site, on the basis of the “actual weight of expenditure on fuels, energy and consumer products in the household budget”. To respond to this significant shortfall, the executive considered several avenues, including the tariff shield or the rebate of 15 cents on the liter of fuel.

Of course, it is also possible to make use of many tips, some of which have been listed in our columns, to try to recover a little bit of the lost purchasing power. But sometimes life requires more. In this kind of situation, informs Notre Temps, it is possible to look for even more and to call on the so-called “non-bank” loan. But what is it, exactly?

In France, there are several types of loans and credits. If necessary, it is not uncommon to see some take out consumer loans, which can however be dangerous and give rise to a problem of over-indebtedness. There is also the non-bank loan, often easier to take out than a traditional loan. And for good reason ! It does not involve any banking institution.

In practice, our colleagues specify, it is with relatives (friends, family, it depends) that we take out this kind of credit. That being said, this does not mean that the procedure is free from protocols or rules. On the contrary. It is necessary to sign “an acknowledgment of debt or a loan contract to formalize things”, explains Pascale Micoleau-Marcel, the general delegate of La Finance pour tous whom the teams of the monthly interviewed.

Credit without a bank, explains the specialized site Ooreka, responds to specific rules. It is indeed necessary, when borrowing from relatives or family, to specify in writing the terms of the operation. It is possible to go through a notarized loan. If the sums are significant, going directly to the notary could even prove essential, if not mandatory.

This type of loan, specifies the platform, can even be accompanied by mortgage guarantees. However, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that a passage before the notary mechanically involves paying a commission. It should theoretically be proportional to the time borrowed and is traditionally payable by the borrower.

Moreover, continues Ooreka, it is also possible to go through specialized loan sites between individuals for those who do not wish to mix family and money.

Most work with an online form system, which you will obviously have to fill out to take advantage of an offer. This generally involves detailing the project for which such a loan may be necessary and the amount required. It will also be necessary to inform potential lenders of its registration in the name of the FICP, the file of credit incidents to individuals. Any information relating to over-indebtedness must also be specified. Mechanically, this makes the operation more complex.

Moreover, administration fees and variable management fees are charged by the platforms.