
Twenty years after the release of the cult classic film “Napoleon Dynamite,” the stars of the movie recently gathered for a special event in Orlando, Florida. Jon Heder, Efren Ramirez, and Jon Gries, who played Napoleon, Pedro, and Uncle Rico respectively, came together for a screening of the 2004 comedy.

The film, made on a modest budget of $400,000, went on to become a box office hit, grossing $44 million worldwide. Known for its quirky characters, memorable dialogue, and Tina the llama, “Napoleon Dynamite” has stood the test of time as a beloved comedy.

During a Q&A session at the event, the actors shared their thoughts on where their characters might be today. Heder humorously speculated that Napoleon would likely be paying child support to two different mothers, while Ramirez envisioned Pedro as a successful bakery owner and city councilman, living out his dreams with his wife, Summer.

Gries, on the other hand, imagined Uncle Rico continuing his entrepreneurial ventures, this time with a social media twist. He joked about Rico starting a YouTube channel focused on backyard wrestling, which may have gotten him into some legal trouble over the years.

When asked about the possibility of a sequel to “Napoleon Dynamite,” the actors expressed interest in revisiting the characters in a new storyline set 20 years later. They mused about the challenges and responsibilities that adulthood brings, contrasting with the carefree charm of their youth in the original film.

As fans reminisce about the quirky world of “Napoleon Dynamite,” the movie continues to entertain audiences on streaming platforms like Hulu, ensuring that the sweet moves and offbeat humor of Napoleon and his friends remain timeless.