Kortrijk –
now, Exactly one year after she was killed in a studentenkot in Kortrijk, belgium, was Youlia Soboleva (19), and Tuesday will be commemorated. In her hometown of Kuurne, were the white balloons plates.
Family members and friends of Youlia Soboleva (19) came in on Tuesday for more than 17 hours together in the library, in Kuurne. They had an eighty white balloons to the sky. “They say that time heals, but that’s not the case,” said Anastassia (26), even to the point of Youlia, who took the initiative for the memorial. “The pain is the same as that on the first day. There’s not a day goes by without being with her.”
in Order to prove that she is her sister, not to mention it is organised by the memorial. The song “Waste” by Marco Borsato was made, because the text is a perfect display of how the family is feeling. This was followed by a moment of silence. Finally, all the participants, including lawyers, Jan Leysen and She Vanbelle, mayor Francis Benoit, but it is also dense and his colleagues at the mother of Youlia, and a white balloon into the sky. It was very emotional to them. The family fell apart in tears in his arms. “Our family is grieving, we are each and every day. When my dad comes home from work, he sets the candle on the photo of Youlia. However, once a year, I want to have a memorial for everyone. Each year, we will do the same,” says her oldest sister.
as of October 1 of the previous year, and the delay of the Russian family, Soboleva, from Kuurne. Youlia (19), the second of the three sisters, it was a horrible way to be killed. Mohammad, M. (20), the its to 28 knife wounds in a student house in the Old-Vestingsstraat in Kortrijk, belgium. She was found dead, along with the Nessar Jamshidi (18), with whom they have a relationship, it had been.
you can Also use the patch again Youlia briefly been together. The investigation by the public prosecutor’s office revealed that Mohammad, M. each of them had been killed. Itself is silent, he is the first one and a half months, and then to declare that he was innocent. “But on the case I’ve been wanting to lose. There is normally a reconstruction,” says Anastassia, who, along with her family, with two tough years behind him. “In a very short period of time, we had three funerals to attend. The first lost to Youlia and her premature baby, after that I lost right after my birth of my son in October, we lost Youlia.”
Once the balloons were released, and walked to the attendees went to the cemetery to be in Kuurne, where Youlia and her final resting place was.