
Former President Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate strong enough to steer our country safely through its existential crisis – a fight between free market democracy and socialism. Trump deserves votes from everyone who believes in strong borders, low taxes, less intrusive government, peace through strength, and success through merit. It’s a binary choice between Trump and Biden. Every American, especially Republicans who voted for Biden in 2020 and Democrats who no longer feel welcome in their own party, needs to take a good hard look at reality.

His confused state at the recent G7 summit in Italy, his frozen stance at the White House Juneteenth celebration, and numerous other ‘senior moments,’ make it increasingly obvious that President Biden does not have the stamina or mental strength to serve four more years in a role that rapaciously ages every occupant. He is increasingly unable to stave off the extreme left wingers of the Democratic party who hate Israel, want drag queens in elementary school libraries, and push for race-based reparations.

I am neither MAGA nor Never Trumper. I proudly served President Trump and our country as ambassador to the European Union. I have agreed with him on most issues and disagreed on some. But I know that even when there are disagreements, his policies are strong, he’s mentally sharp, physically indefatigable, and deeply committed to the United States. I would proudly vote and work for him again.

I am not alone. Because of Biden’s decline, and a desire to put the country first, most Republican leaders are running back to the team. The volte-face includes Mitch McConnell, who previously said Trump was “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events” of January 6th. Now he’s endorsed Trump and called their recent interaction “an entirely positive meeting.” Likewise, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, and former Attorney General Bill Barr have changed their tunes. Even former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley put her grievances behind her and said she will vote for Trump.

With every headline about Biden’s confusion, the list of Never Trumpers dwindles. Trump also is putting personalities and petty differences aside. He’s more focused on where America the supertanker is headed, and how he can get it on course. When Trump met with Senate Republicans earlier this month, he declared, “I’m with them 1,000%, they’re with me 1,000%. We agree just about on everything and if there isn’t, we work it out.”

Some people just don’t like the way Trump expresses himself. Think about the difference between Barack Obama’s Bin Laden speech and Trump’s al-Baghdadi speech. It was old-school academic vs. brash in-your-face New Yorker. Obama stoically said, “The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat al Qaeda,” while Trump howled, “He died like a dog!”

Trump is a master at extracting the visceral part of any policy idea, laying it on the table, and forcing people to choose. He locates the elephant in the room and the conversation gets bigger. But it makes plenty of people uncomfortable and causes some to vote against him. America loves a fighter.

I can vouch firsthand for Trump’s physical and intellectual stamina, his ability to think and speak on the fly without notes or briefings. I’ve traveled with him several times, including a 16-hour day in Louisiana, where I was exhausted and he asked, “where to next?” Compare this to President Biden, unable to greet a foreign dignitary with a simple hello without referring to notes.

With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Israel-Hamas war, the U.S border crisis, and the highest threat of terrorism against America since 9/11, we need Trump’s relentless energy speed. We need someone who wouldn’t have left Afghanistan in a way that saw people plunging to their deaths off the side of an American C-17 aircraft.

So, for everyone who is still saying no to Trump, you need to think about what “Make America Great Again” means today. You don’t need to wear the hat to believe that Americans deserve better. You just need to believe that free market democracy is better than socialism, and strength is better than weakness. Donald’s sprint is the answer to Joe’s shuffle. Gordon Sondland is a former ambassador to the European Union.