
I recently had the opportunity to watch “The Apprentice,” a gripping and unsettling film that delves into the complex relationship between Roy Cohn and a young Donald Trump. The movie, which received high praise and a standing ovation at Cannes, explores the mentor-protege dynamic between the two men, showcasing how Trump learned from Cohn and eventually rose above him.

The performances in the film are exceptional. Jeremy Strong, known for his role in “Succession,” embodies the menacing yet tragic figure of Cohn, while Sebastian Stan humanizes Trump, showing him as more than just the larger-than-life character we know today. While the portrayal of Trump is not sympathetic, with scenes depicting controversial moments from his past, the film also highlights the audacious charm and vision that propelled him to success.

Despite the critical acclaim and international distribution deals, “The Apprentice” may not be accessible to American audiences anytime soon. While negotiations for domestic distribution are ongoing, the delay in releasing the film in the U.S. is concerning. It raises questions about whether media companies are succumbing to pressure from Trump and his supporters, potentially limiting the public’s access to diverse perspectives and narratives.

The possibility that “The Apprentice” may not be widely available in the U.S. is not only disappointing but also alarming. It underscores the importance of ensuring that a variety of voices and viewpoints are heard in the media landscape, without fear of censorship or retaliation. As audiences, we should advocate for the freedom to engage with challenging and thought-provoking content, even if it may be controversial or uncomfortable.

In a time when political tensions run high and the lines between entertainment and reality blur, films like “The Apprentice” offer valuable insights into the forces shaping our society. They remind us of the power of storytelling to provoke discussion, inspire reflection, and ultimately, drive social change. As we navigate a media landscape fraught with challenges, let us continue to support and champion the diversity of voices and narratives that enrich our understanding of the world around us.