“Wild Thang” has already taken part four times, three times he came second – now the Pekingese has won the title of “ugliest dog in the world”.

Wildly sticking out grey-brown-white hair and a tongue hanging out crookedly: A Pekingese named “Wild Thang” has been named the “ugliest dog in the world”. The eight-year-old animal won the “World’s Ugliest Dog” competition on Friday evening (local time) in Petaluma, California, in its fifth participation. The dog had previously taken second place three times.

Dog owner Ann Lewis, who recently moved from Los Angeles to the US state of Oregon, received prize money of $5,000 (around €4,600) for her dog’s victory. According to her, “Wild Thang” suffered from distemper as a puppy and physical deformities remained, but the dog is “healthy and happy”.

The competition attracts a lot of attention in the USA every year, and the winning dogs and their owners are then invited to nationally broadcast television shows.

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