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In this period of energy crisis, the anxieties of the French about their electricity and gas bills are at their height. Adding to this is the threat of potential power cuts this winter, and will certainly cause many of us to limit the use of our heaters as much as possible.

Especially since sensitivity to cold remains a very individual thing, which can vary enormously from one person to another. Many will probably be those for whom the heating limit of 19°C recommended by the authorities will seem cold. However, keep in mind that chilly individuals are often the first to overlook the fact that our body loses most of its heat through the extremities. If you’re shivering, put on a hat and thick socks before turning up the heat!

Before the invention of electric heating, people mainly heated themselves with an open fire or a coal stove. But here it is: a large majority of accommodation no longer has these facilities. In addition, heating with a wood fire for individuals with a fireplace may also be expensive this winter.

But our ancestors also used various techniques to keep warm in winter. The way of dressing, the reflexes to adopt on a daily basis… So many things have evolved since then. It might be time to resume their good habits, even if some may seem somewhat restrictive.

Planet has therefore identified for you the 11 best tips for warming up without heating, inspired by Eqwateur and Côté Maison.