resim 128
resim 128

In 2022, more than 4 million households were eligible for the income tax credit for the employment of a home-based employee. This tax boost covers half of the amount spent during the year, up to a limit of 12,000 euros, and up to 20,000 euros for special cases. Several jobs are affected by this tax credit:

Until then, households eligible for the tax credit simply had to provide the supporting documents for this job, namely invoices or certificates drawn up by Urssaf… But not the nature of the salaried activity. “They simply have to report the amount of the expenses incurred in their tax return or check them if they are already pre-filled”, sums up Thank you for the Info, formerly Family File.

According to Capital, the deputies adopted an amendment to the finance bill for 2023 to specify the activity of the employee in the income tax declaration this Wednesday, October 5, 2022.

Proposed by MP Christine Pires Beaune, this amendment would “revise the relevance of eligible services, the level of support and the ceilings in force”, in her words.

In addition, “a refocusing of this tax expenditure towards the needs of the most fragile could then be considered”, she continues.