The “Ommmm” to bring the vocal cords to Vibrate, not even enough for a little Tickle in the throat. Relaxation music and yoga mats, cross-legged and cat hump – all of this is still in order. But the collective “ommen” to deny the participants of the Course. Only a little later it let again the voice of the yoga teacher Frank Beringer take. Twelve steps to the sun salutation. Inhale, left foot forward, exhale, right foot follows. The thought of the upcoming exam, the housework, the Seminar, to be prepared, back in the Background. In the Here and Now the only task is to keep the balance.
Marie Lisa Kehler
editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.
F. A. Z.
The psychotherapeutic counselling centre of the Goethe-University offers students, during the semester, relaxation, yoga. While their fellow students flock to the canteen, six students on the floor and try to feel each of your cervical vertebrae. It’s lunch time. Most of them have already one lecture behind, in front of you, a long day. “Here it comes, turn off,” says Beringer.
The yoga class is one of the numerous Offered, which the University makes the students to accompany you through the sometimes stressful everyday life. But the courses are only an additional offer. The main task of the Psychotherapeutic advice centre, students in acute emergency situations, to absorb, to stabilize you, you further help to offer. Four psychotherapists, three of which are in part-time, are currently working in the counseling center. “We do not make any long-term therapies”, the acting head Marco Blasczyk. Rather, it is going to be a point of contact for students in emotional Distress.
high demand
The demand is high. 500 students have used on its own in the past year, the offer of personal advice. “The study itself is rarely the reason why people fold. Those who seek advice, usually from an already stressful Situation,“ says Blasczyk. The range of problems, which robbed the students sometimes have the power to Learn, to be great. Conflicts in the partnership or of the family, depression, fear of failure, Addiction. Blasczyk observed a Trend that is true for him thoughtfully. “Many go only once to the advice to not be as sick.” Because the Agency does not report the contact with the therapists at the health insurance companies, especially students, is important to later become a civil servant. “You want a medically pure resume,” says Blasczyk – no matter what the cost. Sometimes one’s own health.