
Your Voice, Your Vote: What Scots prioritize in the upcoming election

As the election day on 4 July draws near, BBC Scotland News has been actively engaging with voters to understand their concerns and priorities. In the “Your Voice, Your Vote” series, our reporters have traveled to various regions in Scotland, including Orkney, Aberdeenshire, Tayside, North Lanarkshire, and Fife, to gauge the issues that are influencing voters.

Starting at Kirkwall Harbour, a significant cruise destination, where the cost of living, transport, and energy were the key topics on voters’ minds. Liam Valentine, a local parent, emphasized the importance of affordable housing and food for future generations. Similarly, in Broughty Ferry, the focus was on economic support for young people, the NHS, and addressing crime concerns. Ian Ashton, a local business owner, highlighted the need for regeneration and community investment to attract more people to the area.

Moving on to Coatbridge, health services emerged as a prominent concern among residents, along with housing and living expenses. Younger voters expressed worries about homeownership and rising costs, affecting their ability to participate in activities like baby groups. In Peterhead, the oil and gas industry, as well as fishing, were central to discussions. Graham Barron emphasized the need to address deprivation issues and revitalize town centers, while John Clark raised concerns about fishing quotas post-Brexit.

In Leven, the economy, opportunities for young people, and local investments were at the forefront of voters’ minds. The recent reopening of the Levenmouth rail link has sparked optimism for economic growth in the area. Rebecca Moncrieff, a local business owner, highlighted the challenges faced by businesses in Leven but expressed hope with the recent developments in the town.

As Scotland prepares for the upcoming election, it is evident that voters are seeking solutions to a range of issues that impact their daily lives. From affordable housing to healthcare and economic revitalization, the priorities of Scots are diverse and reflect the pressing needs of their communities. The election outcome will play a crucial role in shaping the future of these regions and addressing the concerns raised by its residents.